Shikha Singh, 28, decided to turn over a new leaf to lose weight and beat back other blood markers that were high on a routine test. To transition into a healthy lifestyle, she chose diet versions of her favourite indulgence — Diet colas, diet versions of chidwa, roasted snacks and zero
Latest Agriculture News Global and India Region, Daily updates on Crop Protection, Agrochemicals & Pesticides, Seeds, Fertilizer, Agriculture Machinery, Food Processing, Policy updates
08 October 2022, Australia: More than 1.3 mmt (million metric tonnes) of sorghum
It’s still a bit warm and unfortunately too dry to really feel like autumn, but the days are getting shorter and leaves will start falling before long. Remember the phrase “don’t bag it” and save those fallen leaves – they are valuable organic matter for the landscape and garden. Wit
There are a host of elements that are essential for healthy garden crops, but the three that are most limited in our natural environment are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium—commonly referred to by their chemical symbols N, P, and K.
Most gardeners know what aisle of the big bo
Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd. will start manufacturing hydrazine hydrate, a liquid industrial material, at its new plant in Gujarat, a company executive said on Saturday.
India imports almost all of its annual requirement of 17,000 tonnes of hydrazine hydrate, which is mainly used
Electrolytes are minerals in your bodily fluids. Your body needs them to perform many functions, including regulating blood pressure and keeping the pH levels in the blood normal (via Cleveland Clinic). Calcium, chloride, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphate are examples of electrolyte
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The Midwest is at-risk of increased water pollution from fertilizer run-off during the winter, according to a new study from the Gund Institute for Environment at the University of Vermont.
“We figured out that we've got more than 40% of the United States that's potentially creating th